What is the Catalyze Registry?

The Catalyze Registry, launched by America Achieves and the What Works Plus Collaborative in support of the White House’s Talent Pipeline goals, is a new hub that will serve to connect local talent pipeline initiatives – which seek to build skilled, diverse talent pools for upwardly mobile infrastructure jobs – with foundations and other nonprofit organizations that might fund those efforts. The registry will also help link promising inclusive place-based economic growth coalitions and workforce systems with interested funders. This registry will include a strong focus on state and local initiatives applying for federal funding.

We have shared more information and details on this exciting initiative on the America Achieves blog.

What coalitions and initiatives are eligible to join the registry?

In the first phase, eligible coalitions/initiatives are those working to build skilled, diverse talent pools for upwardly mobile infrastructure jobs and have applied or are currently applying for federal funding. Teams may be comprised of state and/or local groups of philanthropic entities, Tribes, territories, local government, states, education and training providers, employers, unions and other relevant stakeholders. 

In future phases, the registry will be open to inclusive, place-based economic growth and workforce systems proposals, regardless of whether they have applied or are applying for federal funding.

How and where do regions or coalitions sign up for the registry?

Click here to register a coalition/initiative. This intake form asks a short series of questions and provides the options for coalitions to share materials already submitted or to be submitted for federal grant opportunities. In addition to any federal funding proposals, teams will be able to upload photos, and other materials that explain to funders the transformative potential of the proposal to create pathways to good jobs in in-demand infrastructure sectors, like broadband, construction, and electrification.  

All intake forms will be reviewed for accuracy, completeness and relevance, including, most significantly, that the initiative includes efforts to build skilled, diverse talent pools for upwardly mobile infrastructure jobs. America Achieves will work directly with coalitions/initiatives to make any necessary edits.

How does a philanthropy become part of the registry?

Click here to register as a philanthropic funder. In addition to contact information, funders will be asked about which type of federal funding applicants they are most interested in and to share more expansively regarding the type of regions or initiatives they want to learn more about. America Achieves will then reach out to interested funders to better understand their funding priorities and to walk through the registry’s features.